Become a member

All persons wishing to become members of ICOM shall accept and abide by the Code of Ethics for Museums.

ICOM members cannot become those persons or institutions (including its employees) who trade (buy or sell for profit) of cultural property including works of art and natural and scientific specimens. This restriction is more broadly applicable to all persons or institutions with an activity that may cause a conflict of interest with the work of ICOM.


Adopted by the Executive Board of ICOM National Committee of Armenian Museums on December 18, 2012.
The possibility of joining ICOM Armenia depends on:
the professional Status of the applicant and his professional activities.
Three articles must be differentiated:
– Official (State and local authorities)
The applicant shall provide evidence at a recent accession.
It must provide one (or more) evidence of work each re-accession.
– Employee / contract / temporary employee
The annual working time must be greater than or equal to 6 months (multiple contracts).
The applicant shall provide one (or more) evidence of each work re-adherence.
Special cases may be considered by the Executive Board.
– Independent
The applicant must demonstrate its activity for museums and / or assets by providing an annual or more evidence (or other orders).
Special cases may be considered by the Executive Board.


Active Members / Associate Members

Depending on the type of function and / or the status of the applicant, he may be admitted to the active member or associate member category.
In the case of independent, occupations are classified into two subsets:
– Occupations directly related to the work (governance, conservation, restoration, basing, documentation, etc.). => Active members
– Occupations related to the development of the work (Designers, architects, website, etc.) => Associate Members


Retirees can become the retired professionals who have worked at least 5 years in a museum who have contributed to ICOM when they were active.

Student Members

Students must be enrolled in academic programs relevant to museums, from the Master Level I. More specifically:
– Students whose training includes at least one module of museology or museum (supporting document)
Each year, at the time of renewal of their contribution, student members must produce a certificate of attendance.


Supporting members are individuals or institutions that support ICOM and its objectives because of their interest in museums and international cooperation between museums.

The contribution amounts are set by the ICOM International. To support its operation, the Armenian National Committee is authorized to collect an additional fee.

Here are the annual membership fees by categories 

Assets: Museum workers  30 €

Associates: 40 

Donors: 250 €
Retirees: 11 €
Students (Non-Voting): 11 €
Benefactors (Non-Voting): 350 €

Regular I< €30,000 – € 316 = 3 cards
Regular II €30,000 – € 390 = 4 cards
Regular III €100,000 – €529= 5 cards
Regular IV €1,000,000 – € 633=  6 cards
Regular V €5,000,000 – € 721 = 7cards
Regular VI > €10,000,000 – €1032 = 8 cards
Sustaining 2300 €  = 8 cards